The same spirit as the small lightning bolt allowing to identify the AMP pages. Web Vitals? In order to optimize a website taking Core Web Vitals into account, we recommend that you start by analyzing each URL of your pages individually. When it comes to optimizing your pages, our experts recommend that you consider the following basic measures: Use images with the right dimensions; Compress large image files; Apply the lazy loading technique or lazy loading in French , which allows you to improve loading times, especially for websites including a lot of data such as images and videos; Remove all unnecessary.
Resources that block rendering; Offer images in formats that improve the loading time of a site; Remove wedding photo editing service any unused javascript code; Reduce the size of each page to less than KB; Keep the total number of resources per page under ideal for mobile . Tools to measure the Core Web Vitals score PageSpeedInsights It is the most used tool for measuring Core Web Vitals. It offers a quick and detailed diagnosis of the UX performance of a web page, the results of which are divided into two tabs: mobile and desktop, to identify the performance of each version separately. PageSpeed.
Insights shows you an overall score as well as detailed scores for each criterion. Each error identified is accompanied by advice on how to resolve it. Chrome DevTools To have an in-depth analysis of the performance of a website, it is advisable to choose the “Performance” menu in Chrome DevTools. It offers detailed insights into the different elements to load on the web page and the time it takes for them to be visible. In the event of long loading times, this tool is particularly effective in identifying problem pages. Google Search Console Following this new update.